22-24 September, 2021 (Wednesday – Friday) at ESSCA School of Management, Angers

The research network “Governance of Sustainability in Europe” has developed a solid network of researchers on the governance of sustainable development and its impact on the European integration process. This achievement answers to the remit of International Networks of the Institute for European and Global Studies – Alliance Europa of 2018. The speakers at this closing conference will discuss the dynamics of European integration in the areas of sustainability policy and resulting politics. The event will adopt a hybrid format with participants at ESSCA, Angers and online. On the occasion of this conference, the four project leaders will present their forthcoming books, the result of the various workshops and research works that took place within this research network. – Thomas Hoerber, Gabriel Weber: The European Environmental Conscience in EU Politics – A Developing Ideology (Routledge, 2021) – Helene Dyrhauge, Kristina Kurze: Making the European Green Deal work: EU sustainability policies at home and abroad (Routledge, 2022) Four other panels will address the following topics: – Energy policies and resources – The EU as a global sustainability actor – Technology and know-how in EU sustainability policies – Green Finance

The programme of the conference is available here. (subject to change)


Round table discussion – Wednesday, 22 September 2021, 10:30-12:00

ESSCA Angers upon registration and online via TEAMS

Prior to the conference, we will bring together political and institutional actors to discuss their vision of European sustainable policies and their impact on the ground. This round table will be held in French and will be open to the general public at ESSCA upon registration (limited places) and online.

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