
Governing Sustainability in Europe:

Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and the Asia Pacific

Date: 14-15 December 2023 (Thursday-Friday)
Convenors: EU*Asia Institute at ESSCA School of Management, Angers (Dr Sonia Chikh M’hamed) & Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies, Brussels (Dr Peter Hefele) & Andrássy University Budapest (Dr Kristina Kurze)
Venue: ESSCA School of Management, Budapest (Hungary) & Online via Teams

Click here to join the workshop via Teams

The workshop aims to explore how policymakers, entrepreneurs, and civil society actors engage in the complex process of governing sustainable development in Europe and the Indo-Pacific. With a special focus on the new EU member states of Central and Eastern European Countries (CEEC), the event will showcase their potential and address specific challenges faced in the upcoming years.

Key Questions:

  • What are the understanding and approaches to sustainability in Central and Eastern European countries and the Indo-Pacific region?
  • What challenges do political, economic, and civil society stakeholders face in implementing new models of governing sustainability
  • What is the specific role of Central and Eastern European countries in deepening Europe’s sustainable partnerships with the Indo-Pacific region?
  • What contributions can Central and Eastern European countries make to the next phase of Europe’s sustainable transformation?

Click here to download the programme and the book of abstracts of this workshop

Click here to see the Call for Papers


Logos of the partners of the workshop 'Governing Sustainability in Europe: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe and the Asia-Pacific Region' - ESSCA EU*Asia Institute, Andrassy University, Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
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