Call for Papers

Date: Wednesday 18 - Friday 20 June 2025
Convenor: EU*Asia Institute at ESSCA School of Management, Jean Monnet Chair “Teaching and Research in European Studies (TRES)”
Venue: ESSCA Campus Strasbourg (Espace Européen de l’entreprise - LE TWINS, 23 Rue de la Haye, Strasbourg - France) & Online via TEAMS

Click here to download the call for papers (.pdf)

Click here to access the submission form directly.


European Studies is a dynamic and exciting field of study. It provides essential keys to understanding the functioning of contemporary societies, at the same time illuminating the complexity of current economic and political issues.

Recent events including the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the impact of the acceleration in climate change, the impact of the COVID pandemic, the rise of nationalism in European states all demonstrate clearly the importance and significance of European Studies as a field of enquiry and research.

In the face of such cross-border, often global challenges, as well as the decentering and decolonisation agendas, it is vital also to understand Europe as just one among a number of regions in the world, thus, albeit somewhat paradoxically, its relations with non-European state and regional actors have added further impetus and salience to the study of Europe.

In 2022, the EU*Asia Institute at ESSCA was successful in obtaining a Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration for the initiative Teaching and Research in European Studies (TRES). The initiative will be developed under the leadership of Jean Monnet Chair, Professor Thomas Hoerber, Head of the Institute. The main objectives for TRES are to develop new publication opportunities and new courses for students at ESSCA.


In this context, we are organising a three-day-workshop and looking for interdisciplinary contributions in areas of:

  • History of European Integration
  • Celebrating Two Decades: The Impact of the 2004 EU Enlargement
  • Theories and Concepts of European Integration
  • European Organisations
  • European Law and Policy
  • European Values, Society, and Democracy
  • European Art, (Culture?), Literature and the Media
  • Europe in (and) the World
  • European Thinkers, Leaders and Influencers
  • New Ideas on Europe

‘The Routledge Resources Online: European Studies’ is envisaged as the main publication outlet for the TRES project. It is a novel initiative by Routledge to provide extensive, up to date and authoritative resources for research in European Studies prepared by high-level academics. It will be modelled on existing successful Routledge online resources.


Use the submission form below to send an abstract of 150-200 words.

You can also send it by email to In this case, please make sure that your email contains all the information requested in the form below. Otherwise, we may not be able to accept your submission.


You will be notified if your application has been successful at the latest, two weeks after the submission date.

There are no registration fees for this workshop. Venue, lunch and coffee breaks will be covered by ESSCA.

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Abstract submission form

Workshop 'European Studies 2025'
Form of address
Dr. / Prof. - leave empty if none applies.
Your name*
Your Email Address*
Is your abstract a joint submission? If so, please let us know who are your co-authors (title, name, institution, email address)

Your abstract

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Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Max. file size: 128 MB.
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    Title of your abstract
    Or use this text box to copy your abstract.
    Please describe your abstract with three keywords.
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    Multiple entries possible.
    Logo Co-funded by the European Union

    Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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