25-27 November 2019 – ESSCA Lyon 

Thanks to the new ESSCA campus of Lyon for welcoming from the 25th to 27th of November 2019 the Workshop for the Routledge Handbook of European Integrations. The purpose was to make a selection of the topics and chapters which will be included in the Routledge Handbook.

The 3 editors, Thomas Hoerber, Ignazio Cabras, and Gabriel Weber, all from ESSCA, examined 21 presentations that were made by professors and researchers of all fields of European Studies and from all around Europe to propose their topic for becoming part of the final publication. These presentations were divided in 3 categories: Culture, Tangibles and Technology and described very different aspects of European integration such as ESDP, Linguistic identity or Transport Policy.

The purpose of this Workshop, and of the future handbook, was to discuss important topics of European integration that have been neglected for too long in standard references on European Studies. The handbook will complement other handbooks in this field by broadening the scope of the field. It will address important issues of European integration, especially at such a critical period, that are too often side-lined, but could become major topics in a foreseeable future.


To see all the presenters and their topics on the programme (PDF) :Click Here 

Here are some additional photos of the event :


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