About the Digital Transformation Institute
Since the early 2000s, ESSCA School of Management has substantially oriented its training offer around digital technologies and, more specifically, their impact on the functioning of organisations. At the same time, a large team of teacher-researchers at the school has progressively devoted their work to analysing the influence of digital technology on companies, which has allowed them to continuously enrich the courses taught at ESSCA School of Management and to build up a specialised scientific expertise on this topic within the school.
The objective of the Digital Transformation Institute (ITD) is to federate all of the school's skills in understanding the effects of digital technologies in organisations and on the behaviour of actors and to put them at the service of its stakeholders (students, teacher-researchers, public and private organisations, and communities).
More specifically, it seeks to help the latter to understand how best to integrate digital tools into their daily activities in order to maximise their efficiency.
Throughout the year, the Institute offers a series of events in the form of managerial and/or academic conferences, monthly research seminars and short training courses for managers. The organisation, every year since 2002, of the ‘Colloque sur le Marketing Digital’ (national conference on digital marketing) with the scientific support of the French Marketing Association (AFM) is the Institute's major event (www.colloquemarketingdigital.com.
Areas of expertise