This three-year project (2018-2021) aims to develop an international network of researchers on the topic of the Governance of Sustainability in Europe. This network will analyse the changing nature of the governance of sustainable development and its impacts on the European integration process. The three working groups will focus on emerging sustainable development themes:
- the evolution of a European environmental conscience
- the European Union as an actor in the field of sustainable development
- the interdependence of energy and environmental policies
The key question is to determine whether such policies are likely to promote European integration by developing new forms of governance for sustainable development.
It will be a collaborative research project with roughly 60 participating researchers.
The existing research group consists mainly of academics based in Western Europe. The research network will focus on integrating a wider community of researchers and professionals in the field of the governance of sustainable development in Europe. Representatives from the three sectors will also be invited, including private sector business leaders, public sector institutions at national and European level, but also emerging countries and the voluntary sector.
The network aims to influence the European position on sustainable development at all levels of governance and the debate on a global scale.
- Hoerber, T., & Weber, G. (Eds.). (2021). The European Environmental Conscience in EU Politics: A Developing Ideology (1st ed.). Routledge.
- Kurze, K., Dyrhauge, H. (Eds). Making the European Green Deal Work: EU sustainability policies at home and abroad’ – Routledge.
- Tendero, M., Weber, Ch., Hoerber, T. (Eds).
If you are interested in participating in this project, please contact one of the editors.
In 2019, as part of an undergraduate course on sustainability taught at ESSCA by Professor Albrecht Sonntag, international students were assessed by writing a blog post that contributed to the debate on sustainable development.
Project coordinator
Thomas Hoeber, Professor in European Studies
ESSCA Angers
Working group: European environmental conscience
Gabriel Weber, Associate Professor in European Studies,
ESSCA Bordeaux
Working group: Sustainable development
Kristina Kurze, Associate Professor for International and European Politics
Andrássy University Budapest (Hungary)
Working group: Energy and environmental policies
Helene Dyrhauge, Professor of European Studies
Roskilde University (Denmark)