In light of technological change, the economic (high cost of transport) and ecological (greenhouse gas emissions) challenges that our mobility represents, automotive service professionals are determined to adapt and respond to the requirements of sustainable development. They intend to contribute to energy transition in two ways: by practising their profession in a more environmentally-friendly way and by developing new services for people.
It was to meet this second challenge that a group of six garage owners was formed in 2014, through the CNPA Bretagne, in the Lannion-Trégor Communauté area, a community of agglomerations of 72,000 inhabitants located in the Côtes-d'Armor.
The idea of these professionals is to use the existing stocks of vehicles in the garages, which have a low turnover rate (second-hand vehicles and electric vehicles for sale), and their territorial coverage close to the population, to implement a car-sharing service in response to mobility needs that are not met by existing transport services. The emergence of such a service, managed by a group of garage owners, puts car professionals in a new position. It leads them to collectively question their professional activity and to find an operational solution according to identified needs.