Tailor-made programmes are designed for companies in the automotive distribution and services sector wishing to give their employees, collaborators or investors access to a perspective on the activities of this sector. The objective is to provide a clear overview of one of the sector's activities while describing the major changes at work and the strategic options envisaged. These two-day programmes or seminars are designed to update participants' knowledge or to provide a better understanding of the sector's culture.

Institut des Transports et Mobilités Durables de l'ESSCA - Formations programmes courts

Three themes are proposed, corresponding to 3 separate seminars:

  • Theme 1: Strategic overview of new vehicle distribution
  • Theme 2: Strategic overview of used vehicle distribution
  • Theme 3: Strategic overview of the distribution of car maintenance and repair services


The training is in French.

For more information about these programmes, please contact Valérie Postel, programme manager.

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