Good question. Did you note it spoke about Europe rather than the EU? For citizens living in the South-Eastern part of the continent, this distinction is present every day.

SALTO, the « South East Europe Resource Centre » provides non-formal learning resources for youth workers and youth leaders and organises training and contact-making activities within the framework of the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Youth programme, and the European Solidarity Corps.

One of their most recent initiatives is a full-fledged MOOC named « Europe and young people: How does citizenship work in Europe? »

The course aims at increasing youth work practitioners’ understanding of the topics of Europe and citizenship and to explore concrete approaches and methods to address them with young people in local and international youth work in Europe.

This is high-quality work carried out by civil society actors, and it’s an honour to have been invited to make a modest contribution.

I was interviewed by the excellent host Snežana Bačlija Knoch for a 20-minute podcast in module 3, on the question of European values (do they exist in the first place? if yes, are they exclusively European?, what role do they play in feelings of belonging to Europe? how do they shape who we are?). This was followed some days later with a live recording of a webinar, expanding these questions together with co-speakers Max Fras and Manfred Zentner, youth work experts based in London and Krems (Austria) respectively.

Sharing academic knowledge and personal thoughts with a curious multicultural public – a pleasant and inspiring experience.





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