Some conferences remind you how precious and enriching constructive dialogue between colleagues can be. This is particularly true for a relatively small, debate-intensive event like the 18th Annual Conference of the Sport&EU network, which the EU-Asia Institute at ESSCA School of Management had the pleasure to host on 25 and 26 in Angers.

An all-female line-up of three enthusiastic and charismatic keynote speakers, panels that turned out to be composed of truly complementary approaches to a variety of timely topics, an almost perfect mix of early-career researchers and established scholars in a mind-set of curiosity and encouragement - all these ingredients for a successful academic event seemed to be thoroughly enjoyed and appreciated by the forty participants.

Add to this the friendly welcome reception offered by the City of Angers in the breath-taking environment of the Galérie David d'Angers and the elegant surroundings of the Villa French Tech for an evening full of talks and smiles, and you obtain an experience where everything falls nicely into place and from which everybody will have a positive takeaway.

And just in case you think this is exaggerated, please find some irrefutable evidence in this lovely recap video clip prepared by Maë Laurent:



The EU-Asia Institute wishes to express their sincere thanks to Dikaia Chatziefstathiou, Silvija Mitevska and Snežana Samardžić-Marković, who kindly managed to squeeze brilliant keynote appearances in their heavy travel agendas, as well as to the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence UniPaix for their support with the organisation. Our whole-hearted appreciation also goes to Borja Garcia and the entire board of the Sport&EU association for having managed to create such a lively, multinational, and nice community.

Click here to download the programmeClick here to see the call for papers (.pdf)


The conference is organised with the support of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence UniPaix at Nantes Université, in partnership with the European think tank Sport and Citizenship and the sportanddev international platform for sport and development.

Logo partners of Sport&EU Conference, 25-26 June 2024 - ESSCA Angers
Civil Society Partners:
Civil Society Partners - Sport & EU Conference, June 2024 - ESSCA Angers
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