
European Multinationals

Date: 15-16 April 2024 (Monday-Tuesday)
Convenor: ESSCA EU*Asia Institute, Stefano Valdemarin and Thomas Hoerber
Venue: ESSCA Campus Lyon (4 Pont Pasteur) & Online via TEAMS

Organised by the ESSCA EU*Asia Institute and chaired by Professor Stefano Valdemarin and Thomas Hoerber, the "European Multinationals" this workshop proved to be a fruitful platform for researchers and practitioners to exchange ideas and engage in meaningful discussions on the interaction between multinationals and the world.

At the end of the workshop, Stefano Valdemarin highlighted the thematic coherence of the presentations, which underlined the interconnectedness of the issues explored, ranging from European space multinationals' cooperation with Nigeria, to the coordination of MNC subsidiaries in Asia, the reassertion of the nation state over the corporate sector, the European steel industry, the contribution of European multinationals to the social pillar of sustainability, the challenges and opportunities of the digital competitive environment, and the impact of the EU Artificial Intelligence Act on multinational performance.

A key outcome was the proposal for an edited book with Routledge. Under the editorial leadership of ESSCA professors Stefano Valdemarin, Christopher Williams and Thomas Hoerber, a rigorous process will ensure high standards and methodological coherence across the chapters.

With a planned timeline of 1.5 years, this collaborative effort promises to make a significant contribution to understanding the dynamics of European multinationals and their role within the EU.


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