On 28 November 2023, the EU*Asia Institute and Professor Gabriel Weber at ESSCA Bordeaux will be hosting a seminar featuring two speakers shedding light on the intersection of pubs, local economies, and sustainability. This event promises to offer insights into the social fabric and economic dynamics that revolve around these quintessential community hubs.

Ignazio Cabras

A Pint of Happiness? The Relationship between Pubs, Local Economy and Social Life in the UK

Ignazio Cabras, a researcher in the field of regional economic development and social cohesion, will present an exploration into the relationship between pubs, local economies, and social life in the UK. Titled "A Pint of Happiness?," Cabras's presentation will delve into the intricate connections between pubs, community cohesion, and the broader economic landscape.
As the Vice-President of the Beeronomics Society, Cabras brings a wealth of knowledge to the table. His research covers a spectrum of topics, including craft beers, beer festivals, and the economic implications of Brexit.
Cabras's extensive research, spanning multiple years, provides a comprehensive understanding of the role pubs play in shaping local economies. Attendees can anticipate a thought-provoking presentation that combines academic rigor with real-world implications.

Pablo Baez

Setting up an environmentally friendly, km zero microbrewery in a wine region

Pablo Baez, the founder of Brasserie KM5, will share his experiences in setting up an environmentally friendly, "km zero" microbrewery in a wine region. Established in the Port of Génissac in 2016, Brasserie KM5 has become a shining example of sustainable and localized brewing practices. Baez's commitment to using 100% artisanal products from French agriculture, eschewing chemicals, and even growing their own hops since 2018 exemplifies a dedication to environmental responsibility.
The brasserie's journey is a testament to resilience and adaptability, having successfully navigated the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Brasserie KM5 not only produces a variety of beers but also fosters a sense of community well-being, prioritizing it over profits. Baez's contribution, presented in French, promises to provide a unique perspective on the craft beer boom in the wine country of France and the potential for degrowth-based sustainable economies.

Practical information

Date : Tuesday 28 November 2023, 16:30-18:30
Venue : ESSCA Bordeaux (room 509)


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