
Regional Studies Association: Research Seminar Series

Leadership & Sustainability in Europe: Where Now, What Next

Date: Thursday 12 & Friday 13 October 2023
Convenor: ESSCA EU*Asia Institute Ignazio Cabras and Thomas Hoerber, John Gibney (University of Birmingham), Joyce Liddle and John Shutt (Northumbria University), Martin Pelucha (Prague University of Economics and Business), and Markku Sotarauta (Tampere University).
Venue: ESSCA Campus Angers (1 rue Lakanal, Angers - France) - Virtual attendance possible

In an ever-changing world marked by global challenges, our workshop aims to explore the vital intersection of leadership and sustainability, with a focus on European cities and regions. We believe that understanding the dynamics of transnational leadership and governance is essential to tackle the pressing issues of our time.

Our workshop is structured into five sessions, each featuring researchers presenting their papers on the following topics:

  • Leadership and Innovation
  • International Sustainability Policy
  • Environmental Governance and Justice
  • Sustainability in Supply Chains
  • Regional Climate Governance

Special Guest Speaker: Dr Corinne Bouchoux - Friday, 13 October 2023 - 9:00-10:00 CET

To kick off the second day, we are delighted to welcome Dr. Corinne Bouchoux, Municipal Councillor in charge of Ecological Transition and Mobility for the City of Angers, and Vice President of "Ecological Transition and Mobility" for Angers Loire Métropole – Communauté urbaine, Angers,. She will deliver a keynote speech on 'Leadership for Sustainability: Advancing Ecological Transition and Mobility in Angers and Angers Loire Métropole within the European Framework' followed by an interview conducted by Professors Hoerber and Cabras.

How to Participate:

Click here to download the programme (.pdf)

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