As the first political group in the European Parliament, The Greens/EFA group has recently published a position paper on space policy, hoping that other groups will follow in order to initiate a discussion on this issue and create a European space law.
The basic idea behind this position paper is that we are currently in a “race for space”. Therefore, it is urgent to address the issue of preserving space for future generations. The aim is not to make the same mistakes we have already made on Earth, the consequences of which, such as the climate crisis, have serious implications for all humanity.

To open the debate, The Greens / EFA Group has invited a panel of experts to discuss the propositions of this position paper.
Alongside Niklas Nienass, MEP and author of this position paper, and Jean-Jacques Tortora, Director of ESPI, Prof Thomas Hoerber from the EU*Asia Institute, discussed his ideas on the future of European space policy in a webinar on 17 June, moderated by Peggy Hollinger (Financial Times), and with an introductory speech by Philippe Lamberts, Co-president of the Green / EFA Group in the European Parliament.

You can watch the replay right below. To access the different sections of this webinar, watch the video on Youtube.


– The Greens/EFA – position paper:
– Niklas Nienass:
– ESPI :

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