The latest issue of the Sport and Citizenship Review (No. 49, Summer 2020) puts the spotlight on sport diplomacy, taking stock of recent developments in the field, especially but not exclusively on the European level. It was designed and coordinated in close collaboration with the ERASMUS+ project « Promoting a Strategic Approach to EU Sport Diplomacy« , of which ESSCA School of Management is a partner.

The present issue, which includes an exclusive interview with the new European Commissioner in charge of sports, Mariya Gabriel, was co-designed by Albrecht Sonntag, professor at the EU-Asia Institute, who also served as editor and translator for a number of contributions.

The Sport and Citizenship Review is a fully bi-lingual quarterly journal that is widely circulated among European policy-makers and sport-related civil society actors. Published by the Sport and Citizenship think-tank, it offers an impactful platform for new activities in the field but also for intelligent vulgarisation and dissemination of recent academic research.

For more information on the international project on sport diplomacy, please consult the dedicated page on our website:  

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