Nathan Tong, professeur associé de théorie organisationnelle et de leadership à l'ESSCA
Nathan TONG
Professeur associé de théorie organisationnelle et de leadership - ESSCA

This book is a unique and compelling exploration of leadership, inspired by the epic television series Game of Thrones.

In this accessible and thought-provoking book, authors Nathan Tong and Michael J. Urick draw on scientific research and established leadership theories to offer readers a fresh perspective on leadership, set against the compelling backdrop of Westeros.

Their approach is to delve deep into the world created by George R. R. Martin, a world full of complex characters and intricate scenarios. Tong and Urick meticulously deconstruct various examples of leadership and identify the key behaviours of leaders. Game of Thrones, with its myriad characters and plotlines, provides an ideal arena for analysing different leadership styles, from authoritarian to servant, from transactional to charismatic and beyond.

In doing so, they address issues of ethics, motivation, justice and cultural awareness, all of which are interwoven into the fabric of leadership in the Seven Kingdoms. This comprehensive exploration reveals the multi-faceted nature of leadership and draws parallels between this fantastical world and the challenges leaders face in the real world.

The book offers readers, students, leaders, managers and consultants an entertaining and accessible exploration of leadership theories. Whether you are a die-hard Game of Thrones fan or a seasoned practitioner in the field of leadership, this book promises to inspire and enrich you.

Authors: Nathan Tong and Michael J. Urick
Published: 12 June 2023, Emerald, 120 pages.

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